Heey everyone! Welcome to my site.

I hope you enjoy , because I've got lot of things for you (:


Here you can find: clothes, acessories, rex.hair, and lot of more things!

Everything made by me, not the meshes, some meshes are from the popular sites, but there's just it.


So I hope you liked, and I hope one day this site, will be one of the best TS2 sites!

OBS: Only for TS2 , after, I'll post The Sims 3 (;



C: Soon, we have the presentation of the site models ^-^


Photo credits: From a unknown creator

*8th - February - 2014*

Happy 2014!|| Omg there's been a long time that I didn't post anything! :c I'm really sorry ...

I'll TRULY try to post something, even just once at a week, but I'll try (: 

So, of corse I have news! I made SO MANY clothes for the "X-MAs Advent" - but now isn't probably X-mas advent, and yes, a present for you.

I'm so happy our site it's grewing up everyday c: so do our viewers . HAPPINESS ######

So, this is a picture that I took for you guys, cause I know that is been a while that I don't post anything so, I have news: I have MANY MANY SHIRTS for you guys: from Ramones, Superman, Nirvana... whatever! You'll love .


So... today's picture is...

 From: Myself babes :B


So, I'll post some sweaters.

Kisses babes ;D Love u all, thank u a lot !!

*18th - December - 2013*

Wow! It's been a while that I don't post here anything! Sorry, I totally forgot about Sims. I was dedicaded on school, and my pc is again messed up! (It's a very bad computer). I need a new one, and maybe I'll ask a new on for X-Mas!

Yes IT'S CHRISTMAS! The last time I posted here, was Summer... damn' The time just steps very fastly...

So, I have news! I wrote new episodes off my new Serie: Friday.

It's very cool, and I totally have to start 'cause I'm so... WOW EXCITED!

About my pc: it's only the churcher, so I can fix it!


Here's our picture:


ahahah, Kidding. X-mas is funny so, let's take another one:


So, I was wondering about making new clothes for Christmas, with this mesh:

You like? ;D So, I see you later (tomorrow) kisses, ly all ;* 

*4th - August - 2013*

Hello guys! (: Do you like the "new site" ? Do you like the stuff? Today I'll post more! Picture:

I Will post this today, so there's all (: Kisses ;*


*3rd - August - 2013*

Hi! OMG I HAVE THE BIGGEST NEWS EVER! Finally, today I will post the first set: is a shirt and shorts, you can go to "sets" in: Clothes - Woman!

Don't lost, my first update: first means that I'm not really good, but I'll better on this stuff, soon I post, to you c: and the presentation of the models of the site!

So kisses babés ;* Today's picture; you can see when I post the update!


*2nd - August - 2013*

Finally I will star a serie, and star posting because my Body Shop now finally works! Soon I'll post, clothes ( yes because it's easier start with easy things) , I hope you like, but first I've got to tell you that already made some personages for: Friday and Scars of Love ( two series) vou can find my youtube channel right here: www.youtube.com/user/BoohPlays. Thank you so much, sites is running to 400 visualizations, oh god, this is so cool (:  Thank you all, soon I promess I will post something c; . Follow the site, to know some news!


And finally August is here! Here the weather isn't totally cool, but is medium and cool, you can go to beach, finally we are in the summer! Oh so cool doesn't it? ;D . So, I'll end with all this blá blá, and show today's picture: ( If you use please give credits because this photo is from my creation) , I will post this photo today to show a character of: Scars of Love! You can see a little trailer of Scars of Love here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rwJDMp3fz0


So, todays picture please! 

She is Perrie from: Scars of Love.

Kisses, it's all for now babes ;*

*28th - July - 2013*

Hello pc! Finally (: I've got my pc, back ! And like new c:

So, another thing, I'll start posting lot's of stuff s2

Today's all, bye xx

Todays picture:

Kisses babes ;*

*15th - July - 2013*

Hello! This site is running well, but where's the downloads? Keep calm! My mother going to invite my greatfathers to came to my home, and then my uncle gives me the pc! eheheheh.


I will open a new selection on site: Tutorials...

I found some cute things that you can download in the Sims 2 , so look at this:


Today's picture:

Credits: http://geirrendour.livejournal.com/24714.html

I see you tomorrow s2 kisses ;*

*12th - July - 2013*

Hello! How are you guys? I'm fain, but with VERY boreness...

So... I'm making my fashion magazine on The Sims 2, and I'm garanting that will be the best one e.e 

Well, Soon I will start posting things, and posting tutorials, like: recording on the sims 2 and so much more. So pay attention on the site, because this will never fallin down lov3rs s2 .

Today's picture:



*11th - July - 2013*

Booh guys! God this site looks a diary KK

But well, I don't know when but I have some feeling that my uncle will bring my PC back .

It's been a while that Im searching custo content for The game and I find some chute things one tumblr I've got a Facebook page, soon I post here, because Im on my brother's tablet so kisses.

Today's picture:

*29th - Junes - 2013*

Hi guys, I find some custom content, on tumblr! I can belive it's so cool. Cool sims, cool houses and clothes, even a united kingdom flag pillow O: .

Site: http://trappingcrushes.tumblr.com



*27th - June - 2013*

Look, this is my account on Polyvore, the "clothes" site. Or better: The best one.

It's very cool. With printed you can make amayzing clothes on PhotoShop. When I'll receive my pc I will install the Photoshop to make clothes, eyes, and more. 

And now, you're asking why I am showing a polyvore: because, on this site you can see what I'll create... So watch:


Today's picture please O:

*26th - June - 2013*

Hello guys! Sorry ,I didin't post does a time... But I HAVE THE BEST NEW EVER! My pc is finally good again, and this means that I'll can make cloths and (...) so more...

Oh god, I'm so happy! (':

Welcome Summer! (:

So today's picture is this one:

Soon I will starting to post custom content s2


Kisses ;*


*16th - May - 2013 *



*2nd - May - 2013*

Hello Potatoes! I'm so excited! I'm almost explode , with all this happiness.

Look ! I love this serie. Seeking Harmony C: Isn't minE OF COURSE, but I'm in love with this serie, and I want to say to the creator that I really love the serie  ^^ .

So now, let's post a image to 'u'

And I have another suprise to you C: , look:

Tcharaam! I know that everybody loves this shirts , so I decided to make them on the Sims C: . Soon I'll post here to you dears s2'

So, it's all today!

;* Kisses babes'

1st - May - 2013*

Hello May! (: , The school is almost done , and my pc too C:

Here's a thing for u:

I'm going to do bags for school for Sims 2, look a few images for edit bags:

Hope you liked C:

;* Kisses'

*29th - April - 2013* 

Hello! How are you guys? sz ' . I'm fain ihih, and very happy! I'm really loving this site C':

So , here's a cute thing for you:

I did another "clothe draw" look:

(: Kisses ;*


* 28th - April - 2013*


Hi ! It's been a time that I don't post nothing here O; ... But I've got some news!! I'm almost having my pc ... ihihihi.

I have drawed my "first outfit" for a serie (:

Look at what I "drawed" if you know what I mean!

Do you like? (: I'm so happy, because finally I can do shoes! (: 

So, that's it today c:

Nice 109 visitors C: I'm so happy! Thanks, soon I will post lot's of things here, I'm so excited!

I'm going to do a shirt with this image look ;

Kisses for all ;*

*22th - April - 2013*

Hii guys! (: , You are you?

I'm so happy! I finded some cute things for The Sims, I finded sites for download, and I downloaded

Many things that after I'll doing in BodyShop, like clothes, I'm waiting my pc, I don't know if I'll going to receive today my pc, but I hope so (:

Here's a cute thing for u :


* 21th - April - 2013 *

I don't have post many things , or nothing really kk, but the reason is that I don't have my pc, because it's in a bad situation... But , is almost done.

So, I will start taking photos, not using photos from unknown creator, I will post SO MANY THINGS on this site (: 

There's so much categories, that you will like.

So, that's it sz' , Have fun! 

U-U that's a Foto that I made szz' Do you like? (: